Saturday, March 30, 2013

Learning Goals, Progress and Successes

Posted by Lisa Anne Weathers at 12:36 AM 0 comments
I am in the process of reading The Art and Science of Teaching by Marzano. 

(In my district, Marzano wrote the bible of teaching)  It is a great book and I am getting great information.  I am a little overwhelmed by all the information that is whirling around in my head.  I want to implement EVERYTHING, but I know I won't be able to implement it across all three of my preps.  I am going to try to get some of the things started in my Biology class.  

One basic question that the book answers is "What will I do to establish and communicate learning goals, track student progress and celebrate success?"  That is what I am going to focus on.

In my Biology class, we are going to start working on Punnett Squares.  (I love PSs!!!) and I have picked out 3 learning goals that we are going to focus on.  I am going to create a learning goal sheet that each student will get, and track his or her process on. I am not sure how I am going to do this yet, but I will post a pic as soon as I get it created.  One thing working against me is that I have to have it done by Tuesday, and it is early Saturday morning.  I am glad that Monday is a holiday!!   

I hope each of you have a wonderful and blessed Easter Sunday!!  Praise God for his Son!!  

Monday, March 4, 2013

Organization at school and home

Posted by Lisa Anne Weathers at 10:02 PM 0 comments
Like most teachers and students, I am ready for Spring Break!  Everyone is tired.  Tired of learning, tired of teaching, tired of evaluations, observations, and assessments!  Only 14 more school days for me.  (YEAH!!!!)  But I am still looking for things to use in my classroom and at home, on Facebook and Pinterest.  One thing that it seems I am finding every where, including magazines at the checkout, is organization.  This is great and horrible for me.  I am a little (or as some say, a lot) OCD, especially in my classroom.  Plus, we just found out that the county is redoing our asbestos infested floors this summer.  This means EVERYTHING has to be packed in boxes so it can be moved to another part of the building.  SO I am looking to purge EVERYTHING I can, and ONLY keep the things I truly need for myself and my kiddos.  In the next few weeks, I will try to blog more about what I am doing in my classroom and my house.  If I have to purge at school, why not purge at home too?  It will not be easy, but I am going to press on, and get it done (not Git 'er Done)!!


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