Monday, October 19, 2015


Posted by Lisa Anne Weathers at 4:23 AM
God told Noah to "build a large boat,", but He didn't stop there! He told Noah how large to build it - how long, how wide, how tall, what size opening to leave below the roof, to have three decks and stalls, and tar on the inside and outside.  God knew how much room eight people , two of every animal and bird, and food for all of them would need.  If God can figure that out (He is all knowing!), He can figure out or lives!  Yes, we have free will and can make any decision we want to, but what if Noah hadn't listened to God? Or cut corners to save time or effort? One or more animals, birds, or humans may have died on the Ark, and that would have been disastrous; but Noah listened, did just what God said to do, and just how God said to do it!  We can all learn from Noah - listen to God, do just as God tells us to, and in the end, everything will turn out beautifully!  Life may seem crowded and hectic, at times, and then just begin to just plain stink, like the ark after 40 days and 40 nights of no fresh air, 8 dirty humans and all those nasty, stinky animals, but in the end, we WILL get a rainbow of beautiful colors!


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